Thursday 25 November 2010


Recently in media, i discovered the definitions of some particular terms used in film making.

An autuer is a director with a clear style, often using specific techniques and similar themes throughout their films, for example, Hitchcock and Speilburg

Voyeuristic Viewing is when the audience is watching something that they feel they should not be watching something they should not, or would not usually watch.

Thursday 18 November 2010

North By Northwest

The first Thriller we watched as a class was 'North by Northwest'. This is a film directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1959 starring Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint and James Mason. It is about Roger Thornhill, a New York advertising executive, who gets mistaken for the mysterious George Kaplan by an organization. Many classic techniques are used in this Thriller such as:

MacGuffin - The organization trying to kill Roger Thornhill are trying to prevent him from interfering with there plans to smuggle the microfilm out of the country

Red Herring - When Eve Kendell pretends to shoot Thornhill, the audience think he is dead then we later find out it was a set up and he really isn't dead.

Cliffhanger - The audience are on the edge of their seats in the final scene on top of Mount Rushmore.

Furthermore many other techniques are used to keep the audience entertained like suspense, tension, violence, fast paced chases, action ect. I thoroughly enjoyed this Thriller because of these things.

There are also many famous scenes in this film such as the auction house, the pretend shooting and probably the most famous thrilling scene which will be remembered for a long time is the crop scene where Thornhill is being chased by the plane trying to kill him.

Monday 1 November 2010

Our Project

This year in media, myself, Beth Berrett and Daniel Lawrenceplan to make our own thriller film opening. To make it a success, we will first research into examples of good thrillers, and componants of a good thriller. To get the highest marks possible we must use the range of techniques we have learnt about in class, such as different types of camera shots.