Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Manchurian Candidate

Another Thriller I watched is 'The Manchurian Candidate' (2004). This is a different type of thriller to the likes of 'North By Northwest'. It is a paranoid thriller about Sergeant Ben Marco who is trying the regain his sanity and solve what's going on. This film could also be classed as a political thriller.

The story of this film is about an army group, led by Sergeant Ben Marco, are captured and are brainwashed by scientists and are led to believe Raymond Shaw, a member of the team, saved everyones lives, for which he receives a Medal of Honor. The director elaborates and makes the film bigger than life; sadder, darker. Its purpose is obviously to entertain and provoke thought about politics and the idea that todays society could be corrupt. Throughout this film the audience are unsure on who's the hero and who's the villain which keeps us wanting to watch on.  

The 2004 differs from the the original in 1962 in many ways. Firstly, when Senator Jordon dies, in the original Shaw shoots him, where as in the new version he drowns him. The director said drowning represents the characters better, in the sense that their trapped.

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