Friday 18 February 2011


We have now fully finished our thriller ! Mr Johnson has took it in now and we are hoping for a good grade. We are very pleased with our final product, which will appear on my blog very soon !

Thursday 17 February 2011


We looked at our film and decided some sounds need to be louder or quieter. So we found out this can be done on Final Cut express. For example when christy hears a loud bang, we obviously need this to be loud, or in shots outside, the wind was too loud. The pink line on the image below demonstrate how we did it:

Considerations when marking

Today, i looked at a checklist which tells us everything we need to include in our film and blog. I particularly looked at the construction of the film, and what we need to make sure is included in it. Me and my group feel we have included each of the following, to the best of our ability.
- Holding a  steady shot
- Using a variety of shot distances
- Framing a shot
- Shooting appropriate material
- Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figures, lighting, objects and setting
- Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
- Using varied shot transitions and captions
- Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Progress !

Today I have been working on the coursework. I have added in fine details with sound effects in certain places which I am pleased with. For example, when theres movement by the warehouse door, I added a 'whoosh' sound which sounds really good. I also found a door closing sound for when the door smashes shut. I have also improved the sound effects to our ident as before it was just a little bit out of time.

At the end, we have 3 quick close ups of Christy and Beth, Beth's eyes, and Christy's eyes. We needed three high pitched noises (kind of like psycho shower scene) to correspond with them. We have found these noises and are just editing it now.

Below are the three shots, which work very well together, and with the sounds.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Freesound project!

We found a brilliant website called It allows to download any sounds or music for free. It has a range of sound effects from door bells to wind. This website is where we got the sound for our ident and our title at the end.

Music and Sounds

We have got music for most of our thriller, however we still need a bit for the ending, which is 3 quick shots of Christy and Beth face to face, close up of Christys eyes, and then a close up of Beths eyes. Ideally we would like 3 high pitched noises to correspond with each shot. Hopefully we will get this done.

Sound Effects

Dan has been looking around on some websites to see if we could find any good sound effects to go into our thriller. We managed to find a 'beep' noise which fits in well with the Ident I created. We also found long sounds which can be used as music, and when we are editing we will put each one in one at a time to see which fits in best.


Last Friday, I stayed behind after school and got all of the opening credits done for our film.

They included thing like 'A film by Tom Mason', 'Starring', 'Christy Davies' ect. I used text called 'Cracked' which gives a good effect, and on live-type effects called 'Flicker' and 'Static' which worked really well.

Here is an example :


'Phil Jones' did not really do the screen play. We made up names to put in for things like this, rather Tom Mason, Beth Berrett and Dan Lawrence over and over again. We thought a variety of names would look more professional.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Filming our Thriller

We went to the warehouse to film on friday, and hopefully we have it all done. At the moment we are going through the process of uploading it to the iMacs and then we will edit it.

Tracking shot

When we went to film on fridat, we experimented with a bin to try and create a tracking shot. Dan and Beth pulled it along whilst I was on top of it. It did work, however it was abit shaky! :) the filming of the tracking shot will appear on my blog on a later date.

Wednesday 2 February 2011


We are back on track with our filming as on Friday we went and filmed the driving scene which went wrong before. We have looked at the filming and it went much better this time.

We have planned to do the rest of our filming and get it all done hopefully, on friday.