Wednesday 26 January 2011


I experimented with GarageBand and I have found something which could go with our Thriller with more research. It is called 'Swirling droplets'. It gives a scary effect.

Moby Gratis

Moby Gratis is a website which we can get unsigned music from. We need an unsigned peice of music so we then cannot get accused of copyright. Beth signed up for moby gratis, in which Dan then found music which may be able to fit in our thriller. When we have all our filming done, we will test each peice of music to see which suits in best.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Group Discussion

On sunday myself and my group went to film our original project in the forest. After much debate we have now decided to change our story line slightly. This is because it was too dark to film in the forest and other factors, and in general it did not 'feel right' and didn't live up to the expectations we had.

We have changed to location to a warehouse, with a similar story line. We decided this earlier today in our media lesson; instead of blogging, we sat down, with no distractions and properly sorted out what we are going to and wrote a plan.

This is the picture I drew of the image in my head of the scary girl 

Friday 21 January 2011

Helping the other group

Within my media class, we are a group of friends so we had to split into two groups. However we help eachother out when it comes to filming our thriller openings. The pictures below are the other groups filming at a warehouse we managed to get.

Rear view of Charlie tied up

Taking the mick out of Charlie :)

 Skippy and Rory risking there health for the best possible shots

Putting make-up on Charlie

Charlie scared

Group discussion!


Joe Barwick getting in all sorts of positions to correct the lighting

Charlie with Ketchup on his shirt, looking like blood

Beth enjoying rubbing ketchup on charlies face

Daniel and Rory looking determined!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Final Livetype Thriller Title

This is the our film title that I managed to create. We encountered one problem, being the colour of the effect is blue, however hopefully we will be able to sort this.

Filming our Thriller

On friday during our media lesson, we went to Beths house to film the ending of our Thriller opening. This scene is Chirsty waking up after a dream. We used a variety of different shots, so when it comes to editting our Thriller we can assess all options and agree on which looks best. We sprayed Christy with Cooling mist and squeezed water onto her face; this gave the effect of her sweating as she has just woke up from a horrible, scary dream.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Moby Gratis

Good news, Moby Gratis have given us permission to use all the music we wanted. We will now have a look at them with our thriller to see if they match.

Wednesday 12 January 2011


We have asked for about 5 pieces of music on, which all sound asif they have the potential to be our background music. We are now waiting for the site to allow us to use the music.

Credits - Creating the Film Title

These images are just a few steps which I took to create my groups Thriller title which will be in the credits at the end of our opening.

I used the text 'cracked' which created a thriller look. Then I arranged the words around so it looked good and to add to the effect, I increased the size of some letters and raised them above others. The effects I found and used on LiveType were 'Frigid', 'TV off' and 'Flicker' which also created a good thriller look that matched our type of film. 

Before this I had never used LiveType before so it took a bit of time getting used to it, and to begin with I was just testing different effects out. Then when I started using it alot I managed to  get the look I first imagined.   

Our Thriller - Participants

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Results and analysis of Questionnaire

ANALYSIS : Our Survey was completed by 24 males and 26 females. Most participants were, as expected 16 years old or under, or 17-24. 90% of people watched films rarely, or often, and 10% never or once a week. On a range of 1 to 5, five being the most, people generally said they enjoy thrillers at a 4. There was a wide variety of films that people said were their favourites, such as Inception, Saw, Drag me to Hell, Collateral and Harry Brown. . Techniques that people saw as those that made a good thriller also varied- examples of answers given are; having a twist, a good plot, cliffhangers, keeping the audience on edge and enigmas. The answers most given were suspense and tension. We will take this into consideration when making our thriller, in order to keep the attention of our target audience. 

This is the first question and the results we found:
The second question and results:
The thrid question and the results:
The fourth question and results: 

Below are the films people said to be their favourite film. The boldest and biggest words are the most popular films.  

Thursday 6 January 2011

Treatment sheet

Name of our Thriller;

Outline of Ideas;
Girl receives a text saying 'MEET ME @ HAINULT, 11PM'.
The girl does so, we see her driving to Hainult Forest.
The girl arrives and believes she is alone.
Sees a hooded figure on the tree swing, which as she turns away becomes face to face with her.
She screams and is backing off but trips.
All goes Dark.
Title credit - HIDE AND SEEK

What Resources will we need;
Setting - Hainult Forest
Christy Davies as main character
Christy in her car
Tree swing and clear opening in forest
Christy's outfit
The girl on swing outfit - all black, hooded & make up (white)

Justification of Ideas in Relation to Genre;
Set in a dark isolated area, building tension.
The cross cutting of the two locations (the car and the forest) builds suspense.
The blackness at the end- the audience wishes to know more and continues watching.

Our Thriller Opening Credits

For our thriller opening we must have the credits. As a group we discussed what we believe the credits should contain and in what order, based on other film examples. Here are the credits we decided on:

Credit 1 - TDB Studios Presents
Credit 2 - A Film by Tom Mason
Credit 3 - Starring Christy Davies
Credit 4 - Beth Berrett
Credit 5 - Also Starring Daniel Lawrence
Credit 6 - Screenplay By Tom Mason
Credit 7 - Edited By Tom Mason, Beth Berrett and Daniel Lawrence
Credit 8 - Assistant directors Beth Berrett and Daniel Lawrence
Credit 9 - Directed by Tom Mason
Credit 10 - 'Hide and Seek'

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Story Board

This is our storyboard. 

Picture 1 - A phone. Christy receives a text saying 'Meet Me @ Hainult Forest at 10pm'.
Picture 2 - See Christy in her car, on the way to Hainult, listening to music on the radio.
Picture 3 - See a girl, sitting alone with her head down, on a swing (on see her eyes).
Picture 4 - Return to christy in her car, the shot closer up than the first.
Picture 5 - Return to the girl on the swing, closer like picture 4.
Picture 6 - A third time to christy - an extreme close up.
Picture 7 - Christy arrives to Hainult. It is empty and silent. She shouts "Hello?"
Picture 8 - See looks at the swing, and sees the girl sitting, staring at her.
Picture 9 - At a second look the girl is gone.
Picture 10 - As she turns away, the girl appears right in front of her face.
Picture 11 - This causes her to trip over. Everything goes black.