Tuesday 11 January 2011

Results and analysis of Questionnaire

ANALYSIS : Our Survey was completed by 24 males and 26 females. Most participants were, as expected 16 years old or under, or 17-24. 90% of people watched films rarely, or often, and 10% never or once a week. On a range of 1 to 5, five being the most, people generally said they enjoy thrillers at a 4. There was a wide variety of films that people said were their favourites, such as Inception, Saw, Drag me to Hell, Collateral and Harry Brown. . Techniques that people saw as those that made a good thriller also varied- examples of answers given are; having a twist, a good plot, cliffhangers, keeping the audience on edge and enigmas. The answers most given were suspense and tension. We will take this into consideration when making our thriller, in order to keep the attention of our target audience. 

This is the first question and the results we found:
The second question and results:
The thrid question and the results:
The fourth question and results: 

Below are the films people said to be their favourite film. The boldest and biggest words are the most popular films.  

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