Monday 7 March 2011

Evaluation Question 2

How does our media product represent particular social groups?

In our thriller opening our cast is made up of two females and one male, in order to appeal to both genders. It could be said that Christy is a stereotypical 'dumb blonde' and comes across as weak and vulnerable. However it is countered by the fact that the powerful character is also female. Myself and Beth created this slideshow together: 

In our film there was little input from ethnic minority groups but we did not take this into consideration at the time. At no point in our thriller opening do we include any offensive or racist language or actions. We did not feel this was a relevant issue during the making of our film. The characters (other than the hooded figure) are shown quite positively, however because it is only the opening of a thriller, we do not know their backgrounds, or much about their personalities at this time. 

Also, we did not feel that sexuality was a relevant topic in our thriller opening and therefore no views or opinions about sexuality are expressed, however we were not offensive in any way throughout the film. The film is appropriate for viewing for a person of any sexuality. The characters are displayed in a way where their sexuality is unknown and unimportant. 

In reference to age, we would consider it to be to disturbing and scary for younger people, and believe it would be deemed inappropriate. 
When looking at the age of the characters in the thriller, we only used teenagers, because this was our target audience and we wanted them to feel as though they can relate to the characters. Looking back, we realise that we maybe should have varied the age of our characters to reach a wider audience. 

I think the film represents ordinary middle-working class people. by having our characters as ordinary people means that more of the target audience would be able to associate with the characters, making them feel more included in what is going on in the film. 

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