Wednesday 9 March 2011

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at the preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in he progression from it to the product?

My actual thriller opening is a lot better than the preliminary task we completed earlier in the year.

One improvement we made is the transitions of the shots. In our preliminary task we used no transitions because, quite simply, we did not know how to. However, fortunately we learned how to and used them in our actual thriller which improves it dramatically. For example we used cross dissolves between a lot of shots. Also we have used a lot more original and different shots in our thriller. 

Furthermore the camera work was much better second time around, this was because, with our preliminary task, it was the first time I had every used these types of cameras with a tripod. So when it come to filming our thriller, I was used to how to control the tripods to the way I wanted.  

Also our preliminary task does not include any titles. As the actual thriller was an opening, titles were required which improved our thriller significantly and shows a massive improvement from our preliminary task to our opening. Also when we done our preliminary, I didn't have a clue how to create and put in titles. However I then got used to using livetype and created all the titles for my thriller.

In addition, with the no offense meant towards Beth and Daniel, the acting in the preliminary task wasn't the greatest with lots of mistakes made:

However the star of our film, Christy, is currently undergoing a drama course at her college, and hopes to be able to use her acting skills and make a career out of it. Therefore I feel the quality of acting was much better with her involved, however I also think Beth and Daniel both did a great job. 

Finally, we made a huge mistake in our preliminary task which we only noticed after we made the film and posted it onto our blog and on youtube. Because we filmed it on two different days, Beth has obviously changed her clothes. 

Because of this mistake we made, we took extra care in our actual film to make sure silly mistakes like this were not involved in our film. Therefore we learnt from our mistakes. 

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