Tuesday 8 March 2011

Evaluation Question 3

What kinds of media institution's might distribute your media product and why?  

There are several film companies that could distribute our thriller, because they have created and distributed effective thrillers and successful films in the past. I have looked into a number of different film companies in the UK and in the USA, for example;

Universal Studios have created many thrillers, including:
- The Strangers
- The Last House on the Left
-The Unborn
- Drag Me to Hell

20th Century Fox have created many thrillers, including:
-Phone Booth

Paramount Pictures have created many thrillers, including:
- Mission Impossible 
- Iron Man
- Shutter Island

These film companies all distribute thrillers, however the likeliness of them actually getting in touch with us is near impossible; it isn't going to happen basically. All the films they distribute are created by professionals, with real star actors and actresses, and millions of pounds have probably been spent on them. However there are examples of film distributors who would be more likely to release our films, for example:

'Metrodome Distributions' distributed the film 'Shifty'. 'Shifty' is a film made in 2008. It was made as part of the 'Microwave scheme' which gave an opportunity for young film makers in London who were only given a £100,000 budget to use for there film.

There are different ways that our film could be shown to the audience, such as in the cinema, on the tele, on its own website on the internet, or on Youtube.

Advertising is very important for films, because it enables the public to gain knowledge of its existence. By using different advertising methods, different, varied audiences can be informed of information about the film, for example the younger generation will most likely see the advertisement on the internet or on the TV. Ways of advertising include television adverts, billboards, posters, in cinemas, magazines and newspapers, or on the radio or internet. All genres of films and different institutions use these techniques. I made the following montage to demonstrate different methods on Microsoft power point, and print-screened it. 

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